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Six Types of Executives That Need A vCISO, STAT!

For some, the idea of a vCISO is still a bit of an alien concept. After all, they are not full time employees and they don't work for the company. Some might feel nervous about letting someone like that in front of your board, or charting the course of your company's Security program. It is outside the box thinking.

These concerns, though, speak directly to the enormous benefits that can be derived through the use of a vCISO. Your company does not need to pay for a relatively expensive FTE. Instead, the principia/RAID vCISO service brings to bear the skillset of a team of industry experts, in a cost effective manner.

We routinely meet (or, more accurately these days, connect with) six types of business executives that need the immediate help of a vCISO.

 You’re experiencing that vague sense of dread after being asked by your Executive Board to give a “Cyber” briefing. We’ve all been there. The principia/RAID vCISO team is experienced and skilled at briefing executives on security related matters without causing undue alarm, but in a way that still illuminates the need for a well-developed security effort.

 You’re been trying to fill a CISO (or even CIO) position). Finding the right candidate for a CISO Role is difficult! Budgetary (and even personality) challenges can slow the search to a crawl. Onboarding a new Security leader has never been more challenging due to the current pandemic. The principia/RAID vCISO team is experienced with leading distributed, and even Multi-National security teams. We can get to work on your Security Program immediately. We are less expensive than an FTE CISO, and can we hand-off the existing efforts when you

do find the right candidate.

 You need to quickly address known security gaps. Some security gaps should be addressed sooner, rather than the alternative, which is post-breach. If you already think, or know you need a particular security solution, but don’t know how to get started, the principia/RAID vCISO team can quickly get the basics of your Security functions up and running.

 You’re experiencing a breach, and don’t yet have a recovery or remediation plan. Don’t panic. Other businesses have been here before. However, you do need to take action quickly. There may be regulatory requirements, and there are definitely practical steps that need to be undertaken to preserve your company’s reputation and financial well being. principia/RAID vCISO teams have extensive experience in incident response and can guide your breach response in a way that minimizes negative impact and prevents further post-breach damage.

 You don’t already have an overarching Cybersecurity Strategy, or even an Acceptable Use Policy. The principia/RAID vCISO team can develop a complete Security Plan for your company, including a full suite of policies, procedures, and standards.

 Lastly, you just don’t know what you don’t know. There’s no dishonor in that. Cybersecurity is an ever-changing landscape of new threats and new defensive measures. There are a lot of Buzzwords out there. Multifactor Authentication (MFA), Phishing protection, Virtual Private Networks (VPN), and even Encryption. The principia/RAID vCISO team can

clarify your company's security needs and create a strategic roadmap to establishing an effective and compliant Cybersecurity plan.

If you recognize yourself in one or more of the following descriptions, give principia/RAID a call to talk about how we can help.

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